Thursday, November 13, 2008

EWMBA eZine - Week of October 23, 2008

Admissions Volunteers Needed

2nd and 3rd years we need you to help out as part of our Information Sessions for prospective students.

Tuesday, November 4, 6:00 – 7:30 pm, San Francisco Grand Hyatt
Tuesday, December 2, 7-8:30pm, Berkeley, C230
Thursday, December 4, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Redwood City, Sofitel

Email Molly Kihanya (

You’ve got mail!

Have you checked your mailbox lately? And yes, I said MAILBOX, not INBOX! Check it out!

We’ve taken some of your ideas from the media survey you recently completed and have created an “office flyer” for you to post in the cafeteria, at the water cooler, or anywhere else your colleagues & friends are bound to see it. We’ve placed a couple of these flyers in your mailbox and, with application deadlines fast-approaching, we hope you will help us spread the word about the EWMBA at the Haas School of Business by taking them to work with you - they should fit right over those silly Stanford ads you told us about.

Thanks for the help and keep the ideas coming!

--- Admissions

Volunteers for the Diversity Workshop 11/8

The Admissions Office is looking for VOLUNTEERS to help out at the Haas Diversity Workshop on Saturday, November 11. You can take part at anytime throughout the day: morning, lunch, or at the afternoon reception.

What’s the Diversity Workshop? If you aren't already familiar with the Diversity Workshop, the event is an annual day-long program co-sponsored by Diversity Conference committee and Admissions, and is targeted at prospective applicants that may come from diverse backgrounds. The workshop is meant to provide attendees with a well-rounded perspective of the Berkeley MBA via speakers, panels, and networking opportunities that incorporate alums, current students, faculty, and staff. So far we already have more than 100 people signed up, so it’s going to be very exciting!

For a tentative agenda visit:

If you are interested and available, please contact Ashley Wang at This is a great way to meet with prospective students and share your thoughts about the best Part-Time Program in the Bay Area – the EWMBA at the Haas School of Business. We need the most VOLUNTEERS to help out during LUNCH. Please join us and let us know as soon as possible if we will see you there.

Note: Cal Football Game

The EWMBAA Social Committee is planning a pre-game mixer for the upcoming Cal football game – Saturday, November 1, 2008. If you plan to attend, please email Mandar (


Leading Through Innovation Executive Seminar Series:
Steve W. Martin, Founder of Heavy Hitter Sales Training Program
Date: Sunday, October 26
Time: 9AM to 1:30PM
Location: Andersen Auditorium

Please join author Steve W. Martin as he explains what is truly at the heart of sales: how to build relationships and how to persuade skeptics to believe you. Steve will cover the following topics in this interactive half-day workshop:

• Determining Political Power
• Influencing an Organization at Various Levels
• Understanding How People Communicate
• Selling Strategic, Operational, Political, and Psychological Value

Register by clicking this link:
Please register by October 19, 2008.

Attendees will receive a copy of Steve’s leading book about sales, Heavy Hitter Selling: How Successful Salespeople Use Language and Intuition to Persuade Customers to Buy.

If you have questions, please e-mail

Entrepreneurial Best Practices Series: Intellectual Property, Licensing and Legal
Date: Tuesday, October 28
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Location: Stanley Hall, Room 106

The Best Practices Series brings to UC Berkeley and the Haas School the best practitioners from the Berkeley and Silicon Valley community to speak about the practical aspects of entrepreneurial activity. The series provides a gathering spot for people from Berkeley and the community who are engaging in entrepreneurial activities. There are nine sessions that approach topics from opportunity recognition to financing and are supported by the Berkeley Business Plan Competition and the Global Social Venture Competition.

We are told that tremendous portion of the value of companies comes not from the physical plant and equipment, but is derived from intangible assets. New ventures increasingly rely on intangible assets as a differentiating factor. What are the underlying intellectual property rights that make this possible? What is a patent, a copyright, a trademark? What intellectual property strategies should the new venture employ?

Our evening will feature: Bryan Sinclair and Pedro Suarez of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.

The Entrepreneurial Best Practices Series is open to the public and starts with a short mixer with refreshments at 6:30pm. For a complete list of 2008-2009 Series topics, visit our website at

No pre-registration is required. For more information contact us at or 510.642.4255.

Haas Big Game BBQ 2008
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm: BBQ in the Haas Courtyard
12:30 pm: Cal vs Stanford football game

2nd Annual Berkeley Finance Conference
Date: Friday, November 21
Time: 8:30 am – 6:30 pm
Location: Haas School of Business

“Navigating Through Financial Turbulence”
With the current historic and turbulent times, the Berkeley Finance Conference offers a unique opportunity to listen to the leading experts in the industry outlining the effects and opportunities presented by the current financial turmoil. Please partake in the networking and the discussions held by the leaders of the finance industry.

Keynote Speaker:
• Rohit Bhagat, Chief Operating Officer, Barclays Global Investors

Featured Speakers
• Mark Zanoli, Managing Director, J P Morgan
• Aneta Marcheva Key, Associate Principal, McKinsey & Co.

• Investment Management
• Venture Capital
• Corporate Finance
• Investment Banking
• Private Equity
• Real Estate

Free admission for volunteering on the day of the event. If interested, please contact: or

Haas Big Game BBQ 2008
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm: BBQ in the Haas Courtyard
12:30 pm: Cal vs Stanford football game

All Haas alumni, students and guests are invited to the Haas 2008 Big Game BBQ on Saturday, November 22nd. Join us in the Haas Courtyard for our traditional pre-game barbeque.

The Big Game is back on campus this year and the football team is on a roll! Come celebrate at Haas before heading over to Memorial Stadium to watch Cal take back the Axe. Note: Football tickets are not available through the Haas School.

The Haas Courtyard is the perfect location to gather with Haas alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students before the game with an all you can eat BBQ (Compadres caterers!), refreshments and live music.

$25 Alumni and friends
$15 Faculty/Staff/Students
$10 Children (5-17 years old)

***Pre-registration is required. This event will sell out!***
***Deadline is Nov 14th! ***

For questions, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 510-642-7790.

NOTE: Prices listed above DO NOT include football tickets. To purchase football tickets call 1-800-GO-BEARS.

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