Thursday, November 13, 2008

EWMBA eZine - Week of November 13, 2008

Spring Electives

Bidding starts Monday, November 17!

Time to ask your questions at the Discussion Forum and to help your peers figure out the pros and cons of next semester’s electives.

Special NetImpact membership rates for EWMBAS!

NetImpact is the club at Haas committed to social impact. Membership gets you special weekly newsletters, access to NetImpact events (BOSS Happy Hours, Career Fairs, Speakers, Capitalism Next, etc.), opportunity for leadership positions in the club, and much much more.

For more information about Net Impact:
If you have any questions, please email or

>play conference 2008
Date: Saturday, November 15Time: All day; event starts at 8 AMLocation: Bank of America ForumWebsite: www.playconference.orgInterested in learning more about the impact that technology and digital media innovation is making in a variety of markets and industries?Organized entirely by student members of the Digital Media and Entertainment Club at Haas, >play brings together creative professionals, industry leaders, and academics to discuss the trends and challenges that face technology and digital media industries. Now in its fourth year, the conference continues to provide networking opportunities, engaging discussions, and sneak peeks at the latest technology.Please e-mail Monica Khan ( if you have any questions.

CEO Spotlight Event – Steve Rendle, North Face presented by the GM&S Club
Date: Monday, November 17Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm**Location: Wells Fargo Room
How: Signup information and costs
Steve Rendle’s secrets to leading The North FaceEver wonder what it takes to become a successful business leader? The 2nd annual CEO Spotlight event gives you the opportunity to learn from those who have taken risks, made difficult decisions, balanced work and family, and become successful leaders along the way.
Agenda6-7pm: ** For GM&S Club Members only – see below for membership information ** - Reception with Steve Rendle and Haas alums in General Management, Corporate Strategy, and Business Development roles - Complementary appetizers and wine, Raffle for 2 North Face Fleeces
7-9pm: Keynote with Steve Rendle
Membership Registration:
For more information, please contact the Haas General Management & Strategy Club at

Entrepreneurial Best Practices Series- Internet Marketing and Business Strategies
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Location: Stanley Hall, Room 105

The Entrepreneurial Best Practices Series brings to UC Berkeley and the Haas School of Business the best practitioners from the Berkeley and Silicon Valley community to speak about the practical aspects of entrepreneurial activity.

The now-famous RIP Good Times Sequoia slide deck calls for "Survival of the Quickest" and "Preserve Capital" with a must-have product, established revenue model, market uptake and profitability. What does this mean for today's entrepreneurs starting up a business in the aftermath of the financial meltdown with credit tight and venture capitalists exhorting their portfolio companies to hoard cash and make cuts?

In this session, you will:
-Find out why Web 2.0 startups are typically 30x cheaper to bootstrap to profitability and 10x faster to cash positive than their Web 1.0 predecessors. This is why Web 2.0 startups often don't need to take venture funding to get to cash-flow positive and get profitable and/or acquired.
-Figure out how to:
a. monetize, multiply and leverage existing customer and partner networks with non-advertising-based revenue streams
b. effectively use open, multi-device, cross-network and collective user cost structures
c. revenue-share rather than disrupt large industry players with distribution platforms.
-See what's different about the ROI, milestones, financials and sections of a Web 2.0 business plan.
-Adapt your own company plan and situation analysis to becoming cash flow positive and validating customer and market uptake as soon as possible.

Benefit from the insights and consulting best practices of best-selling author and former Haas professor, Amy Shuen, excerpted from Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide.

The program will start with food and networking at 6:30. The presentation will open at 7:00pm. There is no pre-registration for this event. For more information about the Entrepreneurial Best Practices Series, call 510-642-4255 or email

Schwab Charitable Philanthropy Speakers
Date: Wednesday, November 19
Time: 7pm to 8:30pmLocation: Wells Fargo Room

Inaugural Speaker: Matthew Bishop
Mr.Bishop is the co-author of the new book PhilanthroCapitalism: How the Rich Can Save the World and New York bureau chief of The Economist magazine.

RSVP at:

Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum: 4th Annual UC Berkeley+Intel Technology Entrepreneurship Challenge
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008
Time: 6:00-8:30pm
Location: Andersen Auditorium

In conjunction with Global Entrepreneurship Week, we invite you to join us at the Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum as more than 20 of the best technology-based international teams compete for prizes in the final round of the 4th Annual Intel+UC Berkeley Entrepreneurship Challenge. The Lester Center has partnered with Intel Corporation to create the premier global, technology-focused, business plan competition. The teams represent universities in Russia, Mexico, China, Brazil, Singapore, Israel, India, Germany, Chile, Poland, Turkey, Japan and the US. This diverse group of student teams will bring with them some of the brightest new ideas in the world! Don't miss this exciting event where the eight finalists will present their plans -- and the winners will be announced. This competition is made possible by a generous grant from Intel Foundation under the sponsorship of the Intel® Higher Education Program - a worldwide collaboration between Intel and 150 universities in 34 countries - providing students with access to world class research leadership, direct technology support and technology entrepreneurship skills to help move the resulting technology expertise and knowledge to the local economies. For more information about the Forum, please visit our website at:
The Forum is FREE to students!

To pre-register, please email and include the following information:
Your Name
Year Major and Year in School
Your Phone Number
All pre-registrants will receive one FREE drink (alcohol for 21 and over only). Additional drinks are $5 each.
Pre-registration closes at 5pm on Tuesday, November 18th. All registrations after that time must be completed on-site.

2nd Annual Berkeley Finance Conference
Date: Friday, November 21
Time: 8:30 am – 6:30 pm
Location: Haas School of Business

“Navigating Through Financial Turbulence”
With the current historic and turbulent times, the Berkeley Finance Conference offers a unique opportunity to listen to the leading experts in the industry outlining the effects and opportunities presented by the current financial turmoil. Please partake in the networking and the discussions held by the leaders of the finance industry.

Keynote Speaker:
• Rohit Bhagat, Chief Operating Officer, Barclays Global Investors

Featured Speakers
• Mark Zanoli, Managing Director, J P Morgan
• Aneta Marcheva Key, Associate Principal, McKinsey & Co.

• Investment Management
• Venture Capital
• Corporate Finance
• Investment Banking
• Private Equity
• Real Estate

Free admission for volunteering on the day of the event. If interested, please contact: or

Haas Big Game BBQ 2008
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm: BBQ in the Haas Courtyard
12:30 pm: Cal vs Stanford football game

All Haas alumni, students and guests are invited to the Haas 2008 Big Game BBQ on Saturday, November 22nd. Join us in the Haas Courtyard for our traditional pre-game barbeque.

The Big Game is back on campus this year and the football team is on a roll! Come celebrate at Haas before heading over to Memorial Stadium to watch Cal take back the Axe. Note: Football tickets are not available through the Haas School.

The Haas Courtyard is the perfect location to gather with Haas alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students before the game with an all you can eat BBQ (Compadres caterers!), refreshments and live music.

$25 Alumni and friends
$15 Faculty/Staff/Students
$10 Children (5-17 years old)

***Pre-registration is required. This event will sell out!***
***Deadline is Nov 14th! ***

For questions, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 510-642-7790.

NOTE: Prices listed above DO NOT include football tickets. To purchase football tickets call 1-800-GO-BEARS.

Berkeley Business Plan Competition and GSVC Mixer
Date: Monday, November 24Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pmLocation: Wells Fargo Room
Want to be an entrepreneur? Want an opportunity to showcase your next billion dollar idea? The UC Berkeley Business Plan and Global Social Venture Competition are the right place for you! Come join us at our annual mixer to hear more about what the competitions are all about and meet like-minded entrepreneurs, discuss your business ideas, and form teams.
Business Plan Competition
The 11th Annual 2008 UC Berkeley Business Plan Competition is the marquee entrepreneurship event at Berkeley. This competition nurtures entrepreneurial spirit, thought, and action across the greater UC Berkeley community by offering the best resources for aspiring entrepreneurs to make ideas reality. $45,000 in prize money will be awarded to the finalists with the best business plans. For more information, please visit: or reach us at
Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC)
The Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC) is the largest social venture competition in the world and is open to businesses and business ideas that have positive social and environmental impacts. Each year, entrant teams from around the world compete for over $45,000 in prizes on the basis of their venture's financial sustainability and social return on investment. Nearly 25% of past GSVC entrants are now operating companies. For more information, please visit: or reach us at

Haas Volunteering Event at Ronald McDonald House
Date: Thursday, November 27, 2008
Time: 10:30 am - 1 pm
Where: Ronald McDonald House

Haas Healthcare Association Fall Mixer
Date: Wednesday, December 3
Time: 7:30PM-8:15PM
Location: Wells Fargo Room

If you have experience in Healthcare or would like to learn more about the industry, please join us for the Haas Healthcare Association Fall Mixer. This will be an opportunity for EWMBA students and Full-Time MBA students who are interested in Healthcare to get to know each other better, discuss relevant topics, and have some fun. We hope to see you soon.

If you would like to RSVP or ask any questions, please contact Steve Love at

EWMBA eZine - Week of November 6, 2008

Greetings from the EWMBAA Career Services Committee

The purpose of the Career Services Committee of the EWMBAA is to enable EWMBA students to successfully identify, investigate and achieve their career goals. We are the voices of our fellow students. We communicate major issues with our ability to be in position for our next career move by communicating and working closely with the EWMBA Career Services and bringing workshops and presentations closer to the EWMBA students. In the past year, we've launched three great initiatives and events such as the Careers in Finance Panel managed by Kae Huang and Sai Natarajan, the Founders Forum organized by Kelly Lu, as well as the Focus on the Firm series launched by Laiq Chughtai.

Future initiatives will include informal dinners with EWMBA alumni, further improving accessibility of career events by providing webcast presentations and call-in line for off-site attendees. We will also explore collaboration with other organizations and institutions around the bay area to co-organize and co-sponsor career events.

Kae Huang
Co-Chair, Career Services Committee

Spring Electives

Bidding is about to get on its way. Do you know what electives you want to take?

Time to ask your questions at the Discussion Forum and to help your peers figure out the pros and cons of next semester’s electives.

Save the date: Ronald McDonald House Thanksgiving Volunteering Event

We had one of the best turnouts last month at the SF food bank volunteering event (click link for photos). Let's keep up the momentum in giving back to the community! Please join us to prepare thanksgiving meal for families whose seriously illl children are receiving treatment at a nearby hospital. The event will be in San Francisco on Thanksgiving day Thurs 11/27 from 10:30am to 1pm. To sign-up, stay tuned for an evite in the coming week.

EWMBAA Elections

It’s time to hold our own annual elections for the Evening and Weekend MBA Association (EWMBAA). The offices below are open for the 2009 calendar year.

Below are brief descriptions of the four offices:

President: Serves as representative and spokesperson for the association; presides over association meetings; and ensures that the decisions of officers are excluded; represents the EWMBA student population at a variety of Haas-wide functions; communicates regularly with the EWMBA Program Office staff. Please note that this position requires flexibility in your schedule and the ability to come to Haas during the day for special meetings or events.

Vice-President: Assists the president, and assumes the responsibilities of the president in the president’s absence. This position serves as a lead liaison to the Full-time MBA Association.

Treasurer: Maintains the accounts of the association, handles the receipts and disbursements of the association funds, and presents financial reports to the board.

Secretary: Maintains the integrity of the bylaws and processes of the association; conducts elections and referenda; records the minutes of association meetings; and assumes the responsibilities of the vice-president in the vice-president’s absence.
Leadership of Haas committees is also a key part of each executive role. Each officer typically oversees two of the following student committees during the year: Academic Affairs, Admissions and Orientation, Alumni Affairs, Career Services, Communications, Community Services, and Social.

If you are interested in running for one of these offices, please e-mail your intention to by 6:00pm, Wednesday, November 12, 2008. In your e-mail subject line, include EWMBA ELECTIONS, your name and the office you wish to run for. For example “EWMBA: Dhiren Bhatia: Secretary.” Those who register by the deadline will receive instructions for submitting candidacy materials.

The current EWMBAA officers listed below are happy to speak with you if you have any questions about a particular position:
+President, Jasmin Young (
+Vice-President, Krupa Singampalli (
+Treasurer, Amandeep Juneja (
+Secretary, Dhiren Bhatia (

4th Annual Haas Diversity in Business Conference
Date: Friday, November 7
Time: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: International House

“Beyond Labels: Diversity in Thought and Action”

Please join us for an amazing lineup of keynote speakers, panelists, and networking opportunities for both students and professionals.

For more information:
Online registration:
Keynote Speeches by: Ronnie Lott and Harris Barton
For more information, please contact Daisuke Tanaka at

Speaking to the Media with Emmy award-winning Dan Mogulof, Executive Director of UC Berkeley’s Media Affairs
Date: Friday, November 7
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: S489

Whatever career path you may be pursuing, an understanding of how the media works is essential. The Haas Leadership Club is therefore offering MBA students a high level overview of media relations and a chance to learn some key aspects of speaking to a reporter. Interested participants will also have the opportunity to speak to a reporter and cameraman using the short case materials provided on Wednesday. Places are very limited.

1. Review of the media today
2. Overview of communications best practices
3. You and the media
4. Opportunity for those interested to practice being interviewed on camera (after 2pm)

***Final sign up here***

$5 for members; $15 for non-members. All revenues go towards funding the cost of this event (camera equipment, lunch, HBS case study) and expanding the range of future events we organize.

Leadership Club membership is still only $20 and lasts the entire academic year!

Please contact with any questions

>play conference 2008

Date: Saturday, November 15Time: All day; event starts at 8 AM
Location: Bank of America Forum
Interested in learning more about the impact that technology and digital media innovation is making in a variety of markets and industries?Organized entirely by student members of the Digital Media and Entertainment Club at Haas, >play brings together creative professionals, industry leaders, and academics to discuss the trends and challenges that face technology and digital media industries. Now in its fourth year, the conference continues to provide networking opportunities, engaging discussions, and sneak peeks at the latest technology.Volunteering gains you free admission in exchange for a few hours of your time to help event organizers on the day of the event.Please e-mail Monica Khan ( if you would like to be a volunteer or have any questions.

CEO Spotlight Event – Steve Rendle, North Face presented by the GM&S Club
Date: Monday, November 17Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm**
Location: Wells Fargo Room
How: Signup information and costs

Steve Rendle’s secrets to leading The North FaceEver wonder what it takes to become a successful business leader? The 2nd annual CEO Spotlight event gives you the opportunity to learn from those who have taken risks, made difficult decisions, balanced work and family, and become successful leaders along the way.
Agenda6-7pm: ** For GM&S Club Members only – see below for membership information ** - Reception with Steve Rendle and Haas alums in General Management, Corporate Strategy, and Business Development roles - Complementary appetizers and wine7-9pm: Keynote with Steve Rendle
Membership Registration:
For more information, please contact the Haas General Management & Strategy Club at

Schwab Charitable Philanthropy Speakers
Date: Wednesday, November 19
Time: 7pm to 8:30pmLocation: Wells Fargo Room

Inaugural Speaker: Matthew Bishop
Mr.Bishop is the co-author of the new book PhilanthroCapitalism: How the Rich Can Save the World and New York bureau chief of The Economist magazine.

RSVP at:

2nd Annual Berkeley Finance Conference
Date: Friday, November 21
Time: 8:30 am – 6:30 pm
Location: Haas School of Business

“Navigating Through Financial Turbulence”
With the current historic and turbulent times, the Berkeley Finance Conference offers a unique opportunity to listen to the leading experts in the industry outlining the effects and opportunities presented by the current financial turmoil. Please partake in the networking and the discussions held by the leaders of the finance industry.

Keynote Speaker:
• Rohit Bhagat, Chief Operating Officer, Barclays Global Investors

Featured Speakers
• Mark Zanoli, Managing Director, J P Morgan
• Aneta Marcheva Key, Associate Principal, McKinsey & Co.

• Investment Management
• Venture Capital
• Corporate Finance
• Investment Banking
• Private Equity
• Real Estate

Free admission for volunteering on the day of the event. If interested, please contact: or

Haas Big Game BBQ 2008
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm: BBQ in the Haas Courtyard
12:30 pm: Cal vs Stanford football game

All Haas alumni, students and guests are invited to the Haas 2008 Big Game BBQ on Saturday, November 22nd. Join us in the Haas Courtyard for our traditional pre-game barbeque.

The Big Game is back on campus this year and the football team is on a roll! Come celebrate at Haas before heading over to Memorial Stadium to watch Cal take back the Axe. Note: Football tickets are not available through the Haas School.

The Haas Courtyard is the perfect location to gather with Haas alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students before the game with an all you can eat BBQ (Compadres caterers!), refreshments and live music.

$25 Alumni and friends
$15 Faculty/Staff/Students
$10 Children (5-17 years old)

***Pre-registration is required. This event will sell out!***
***Deadline is Nov 14th! ***

For questions, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 510-642-7790.

NOTE: Prices listed above DO NOT include football tickets. To purchase football tickets call 1-800-GO-BEARS.

EWMBA eZine - Week of October 30, 2008

Win a Keg for your Cohort

On their way to the Pac 10 Title, our Bears face off against the Oregon Ducks this Saturday. What’s that mean for you? It’s time for a Duck Hunt, complete with a multipart competition to win a keg for your cohort!

What kind of competition? Details coming, but here are 2 things you need to know right now:

· The more people from your cohort, the better
· There will be duck piƱatas (this alone should be a selling point)

Come out this Saturday and join GOLD at 10:00am this Saturday, November 1st! See details about the tailgate below.

Where is the Discussion Forum?

Forget where our discussion forum is located? Here’s the link:

It’s also at the bottom of every eZine. So go and post to your heart’s delight.

Admissions Volunteers Needed

2nd and 3rd years we need you to help out as part of our Information Sessions for prospective students.

Date:Tuesday, December 2, 7-8:30pm, Berkeley, C230
Sign up for participating during your class break time.

Email Molly Kihanya (

Volunteers for the Diversity Workshop 11/8

The Admissions Office is looking for VOLUNTEERS to help out at the Haas Diversity Workshop on Saturday, November 8. You can take part at anytime throughout the day: morning, lunch, or at the afternoon reception.

What’s the Diversity Workshop? The event is an annual day-long program co-sponsored by Diversity Conference committee and Admissions, and is targeted at prospective applicants that may come from diverse backgrounds.
For a tentative agenda visit:

If you are interested and available, please contact Ashley Wang at We need the most VOLUNTEERS to help out during LUNCH.

Haas Tailgate – Oregon Ducks vs. Cal Bears

Date: Saturday, November1Time: 10am (Breakfast and Coffee) until Kickoff
Location: Haas Courtyard
Cost: Recommended donation is $15 per person – a great value for the money!

All proceeds go to Haas for Students, which provides Fellowships to MBA ‘10ers (or dual-degree ‘09ers) who choose nonprofit summer internships.

Please send your $15 per person donation, more if you like, via PayPal (bank account or credit card) to by Friday midnight. Please double-check the spelling before you submit payment.

Zoomerang RSVP link to also complete by Friday midnight:

WIL Professional Development Event: Things I wish I knew at the Start of My Career
Date: Thursday, November 6Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm (pizza will be served)Location: Cheit 320
Please RSVP online:
Please contact Alex Levich ( for further questions.
Back to Top


4th Annual Haas Diversity in Business Conference
Date: Friday, November 7
Time: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: International House

“Beyond Labels: Diversity in Thought and Action”

Please join us for an amazing lineup of keynote speakers, panelists, and networking opportunities for both students and professionals.

For more information:
Online registration:
Keynote Speeches by: Ronnie Lott and Harris Barton
For more information, please contact Daisuke Tanaka at

>play conference 2008
Date: Saturday, November 15
Time: All day; event starts at 8 AM
Location: Bank of America Forum

Interested in learning more about the impact that technology and digital media innovation is making in a variety of markets and industries?Organized entirely by student members of the Digital Media and Entertainment Club at Haas, >play brings together creative professionals, industry leaders, and academics to discuss the trends and challenges that face technology and digital media industries. Now in its fourth year, the conference continues to provide networking opportunities, engaging discussions, and sneak peeks at the latest technology.Volunteering gains you free admission in exchange for a few hours of your time to help event organizers on the day of the event.Please e-mail Monica Khan ( if you would like to be a volunteer or have any questions.

CEO Spotlight Event – Steve Rendle, North Face presented by the GM&S Club
Date: Monday, November 17
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm**
Location: Wells Fargo Room
How: Signup information and costs will be available soon
Steve Rendle’s secrets to leading The North FaceEver wonder what it takes to become a successful business leader? The 2nd annual CEO Spotlight event gives you the opportunity to learn from those who have taken risks, made difficult decisions, balanced work and family, and become successful leaders along the way.

Agenda 6-7pm: ** For GM&S Club Members only – see below for membership information **

- Reception with Steve Rendle and Haas alums in General Management, Corporate Strategy, and Business Development roles
- Complementary appetizers and wine7-9pm: Keynote with Steve Rendle
Membership Registration:
For more information, please contact the Haas General Management & Strategy Club at

2nd Annual Berkeley Finance Conference
Date: Friday, November 21
Time: 8:30 am – 6:30 pm
Location: Haas School of Business

“Navigating Through Financial Turbulence”
With the current historic and turbulent times, the Berkeley Finance Conference offers a unique opportunity to listen to the leading experts in the industry outlining the effects and opportunities presented by the current financial turmoil. Please partake in the networking and the discussions held by the leaders of the finance industry.

Keynote Speaker:
• Rohit Bhagat, Chief Operating Officer, Barclays Global Investors

Featured Speakers
• Mark Zanoli, Managing Director, J P Morgan
• Aneta Marcheva Key, Associate Principal, McKinsey & Co.

• Investment Management
• Venture Capital
• Corporate Finance
• Investment Banking
• Private Equity
• Real Estate

Free admission for volunteering on the day of the event. If interested, please contact: or

Haas Big Game BBQ 2008
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm: BBQ in the Haas Courtyard
12:30 pm: Cal vs Stanford football game

All Haas alumni, students and guests are invited to the Haas 2008 Big Game BBQ on Saturday, November 22nd. Join us in the Haas Courtyard for our traditional pre-game barbeque.

The Big Game is back on campus this year and the football team is on a roll! Come celebrate at Haas before heading over to Memorial Stadium to watch Cal take back the Axe. Note: Football tickets are not available through the Haas School.

The Haas Courtyard is the perfect location to gather with Haas alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students before the game with an all you can eat BBQ (Compadres caterers!), refreshments and live music.

$25 Alumni and friends
$15 Faculty/Staff/Students
$10 Children (5-17 years old)

***Pre-registration is required. This event will sell out!***
***Deadline is Nov 14th! ***

For questions, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 510-642-7790.

NOTE: Prices listed above DO NOT include football tickets. To purchase football tickets call 1-800-GO-BEARS.

EWMBA eZine - Week of October 23, 2008

Admissions Volunteers Needed

2nd and 3rd years we need you to help out as part of our Information Sessions for prospective students.

Tuesday, November 4, 6:00 – 7:30 pm, San Francisco Grand Hyatt
Tuesday, December 2, 7-8:30pm, Berkeley, C230
Thursday, December 4, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Redwood City, Sofitel

Email Molly Kihanya (

You’ve got mail!

Have you checked your mailbox lately? And yes, I said MAILBOX, not INBOX! Check it out!

We’ve taken some of your ideas from the media survey you recently completed and have created an “office flyer” for you to post in the cafeteria, at the water cooler, or anywhere else your colleagues & friends are bound to see it. We’ve placed a couple of these flyers in your mailbox and, with application deadlines fast-approaching, we hope you will help us spread the word about the EWMBA at the Haas School of Business by taking them to work with you - they should fit right over those silly Stanford ads you told us about.

Thanks for the help and keep the ideas coming!

--- Admissions

Volunteers for the Diversity Workshop 11/8

The Admissions Office is looking for VOLUNTEERS to help out at the Haas Diversity Workshop on Saturday, November 11. You can take part at anytime throughout the day: morning, lunch, or at the afternoon reception.

What’s the Diversity Workshop? If you aren't already familiar with the Diversity Workshop, the event is an annual day-long program co-sponsored by Diversity Conference committee and Admissions, and is targeted at prospective applicants that may come from diverse backgrounds. The workshop is meant to provide attendees with a well-rounded perspective of the Berkeley MBA via speakers, panels, and networking opportunities that incorporate alums, current students, faculty, and staff. So far we already have more than 100 people signed up, so it’s going to be very exciting!

For a tentative agenda visit:

If you are interested and available, please contact Ashley Wang at This is a great way to meet with prospective students and share your thoughts about the best Part-Time Program in the Bay Area – the EWMBA at the Haas School of Business. We need the most VOLUNTEERS to help out during LUNCH. Please join us and let us know as soon as possible if we will see you there.

Note: Cal Football Game

The EWMBAA Social Committee is planning a pre-game mixer for the upcoming Cal football game – Saturday, November 1, 2008. If you plan to attend, please email Mandar (


Leading Through Innovation Executive Seminar Series:
Steve W. Martin, Founder of Heavy Hitter Sales Training Program
Date: Sunday, October 26
Time: 9AM to 1:30PM
Location: Andersen Auditorium

Please join author Steve W. Martin as he explains what is truly at the heart of sales: how to build relationships and how to persuade skeptics to believe you. Steve will cover the following topics in this interactive half-day workshop:

• Determining Political Power
• Influencing an Organization at Various Levels
• Understanding How People Communicate
• Selling Strategic, Operational, Political, and Psychological Value

Register by clicking this link:
Please register by October 19, 2008.

Attendees will receive a copy of Steve’s leading book about sales, Heavy Hitter Selling: How Successful Salespeople Use Language and Intuition to Persuade Customers to Buy.

If you have questions, please e-mail

Entrepreneurial Best Practices Series: Intellectual Property, Licensing and Legal
Date: Tuesday, October 28
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Location: Stanley Hall, Room 106

The Best Practices Series brings to UC Berkeley and the Haas School the best practitioners from the Berkeley and Silicon Valley community to speak about the practical aspects of entrepreneurial activity. The series provides a gathering spot for people from Berkeley and the community who are engaging in entrepreneurial activities. There are nine sessions that approach topics from opportunity recognition to financing and are supported by the Berkeley Business Plan Competition and the Global Social Venture Competition.

We are told that tremendous portion of the value of companies comes not from the physical plant and equipment, but is derived from intangible assets. New ventures increasingly rely on intangible assets as a differentiating factor. What are the underlying intellectual property rights that make this possible? What is a patent, a copyright, a trademark? What intellectual property strategies should the new venture employ?

Our evening will feature: Bryan Sinclair and Pedro Suarez of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.

The Entrepreneurial Best Practices Series is open to the public and starts with a short mixer with refreshments at 6:30pm. For a complete list of 2008-2009 Series topics, visit our website at

No pre-registration is required. For more information contact us at or 510.642.4255.

Haas Big Game BBQ 2008
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm: BBQ in the Haas Courtyard
12:30 pm: Cal vs Stanford football game

2nd Annual Berkeley Finance Conference
Date: Friday, November 21
Time: 8:30 am – 6:30 pm
Location: Haas School of Business

“Navigating Through Financial Turbulence”
With the current historic and turbulent times, the Berkeley Finance Conference offers a unique opportunity to listen to the leading experts in the industry outlining the effects and opportunities presented by the current financial turmoil. Please partake in the networking and the discussions held by the leaders of the finance industry.

Keynote Speaker:
• Rohit Bhagat, Chief Operating Officer, Barclays Global Investors

Featured Speakers
• Mark Zanoli, Managing Director, J P Morgan
• Aneta Marcheva Key, Associate Principal, McKinsey & Co.

• Investment Management
• Venture Capital
• Corporate Finance
• Investment Banking
• Private Equity
• Real Estate

Free admission for volunteering on the day of the event. If interested, please contact: or

Haas Big Game BBQ 2008
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm: BBQ in the Haas Courtyard
12:30 pm: Cal vs Stanford football game

All Haas alumni, students and guests are invited to the Haas 2008 Big Game BBQ on Saturday, November 22nd. Join us in the Haas Courtyard for our traditional pre-game barbeque.

The Big Game is back on campus this year and the football team is on a roll! Come celebrate at Haas before heading over to Memorial Stadium to watch Cal take back the Axe. Note: Football tickets are not available through the Haas School.

The Haas Courtyard is the perfect location to gather with Haas alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students before the game with an all you can eat BBQ (Compadres caterers!), refreshments and live music.

$25 Alumni and friends
$15 Faculty/Staff/Students
$10 Children (5-17 years old)

***Pre-registration is required. This event will sell out!***
***Deadline is Nov 14th! ***

For questions, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 510-642-7790.

NOTE: Prices listed above DO NOT include football tickets. To purchase football tickets call 1-800-GO-BEARS.

EWMBA eZine - Week of October 16, 2008

Discuss this: How to improve the portfolio of elective courses at Haas?

Discuss this on the forums at!

Dear Fellows,

Do you want more high-quality courses for selection? Do you want more high-profile faculty teaching EWMBA? Do you want popular courses being offered every semester? Do you hate to see a popular instructor leaving EWMBA? Do you hate to see a poor instructor teaching a popular subject? Do you hate to see your first round bidding ends with nothing?

I am sure many of you, like me, have strong feelings on those questions, especially prior to the 3rd year. But after 2 years at Haas, very likely you are gradually becoming numb to those questions and getting used to the status-quo; the bottomline is you now have 3000 points to bid.

But sometimes you may still wonder who really cares about the course evaluation, who really listens to the students feedback on course bidding, and who I can count on to convey my voice on electives courses to the school or program office.

As EWMBAA Academic Affairs Committee, we want to be an effective bridge connecting the students and the program office as well as the school. We feel free forum is an ideal channel for our students to frankly share and exchange thoughts on anything related to the courses and teaching. We will then collect and report students concerns and suggestions to PO and school to improve academic performance at Haas.

Having said that, I encourage you to share whatever you like or dislike your learning experience at Haas, and if possible, provide suggestion on how to improve the portfolio of elective courses.

Best Regards,

Representing EWMBAA Academic Affairs Committee

Reminder: EWMBAA Group Football Tickets

The EWMBAA Social Committee, together with the Berkeley/Columbia Executive MBA Program, has put together another opportunity for you to attend an upcoming Cal football game – Saturday, November 1, 2008. Purchase your tickets from a block of reserved seats and enjoy a Saturday with your fellow MBA students.

**The EWMBAA Social Committee is planning a pre-game mixer (more details to follow).

All seats are priced at $34.00 and can be ordered at the following link. Timing for these games has not yet been confirmed.

UserID: berkeleymba
Password: mba

Please contact Tim Gaherty ( if you have any questions.

Reminder: EWMBA Annual Volunteer Day 2008

The EWMBA Program Office and EWMBAA Community Service Committees would like to invite you to our Annual Volunteer Day on Sunday, October 19th, from 9-12pm.

Our event for this year will be at the San Francisco Food Bank, 900 Pennsylvania Ave., San Francisco. This is a great event where all EWMBA students, as well as program staff members, come together for the day to spend some time out to volunteer for a worthy cause.

We will be helping to sort, pack and distribute healthy food to those in need. Lunch will be held for the volunteering group right after the event.

We have a few spots left, please RSVP as soon as possible via evite (you should have received an evite) or contact Tim Gaherty (, Jenn Elliott ( or Ken So (kenneth_so@mba.berkeley).

Look forward to seeing you there!

Reminder: MPAR Roommates
If you are attending the MPAR (aka Mid Program Academic Retreat), don’t forget to submit your roommate preference(s) on time to Siu Yung.

If you want to save face or are too shy to approach people directly, Anlei has been “kindly volunteered” to coordinate an unofficial, strictly private "MPAR roommate wanted" list. This list will be shared only with those who are on it. So that you can make your own arrangements.

(Maintainer of the list for MPAR ’08)


Dean Lyons Meet Up
Date: Saturday, October 18
Time: 8:00am
Location: C230

Weekend students, come chat with Dean Lyons.

Want to be an Entrepreneur? Want to know what VC’s look for?
Date: Saturday, October 18
Time: 12:00 – 1:00pm
Location: F320

You are all invited to attend the Entrepreneurship Forum Saturday October 18th, where several successful entrepreneurs will share their experiences. Speakers will include Jon Gillespie-Brown, Mike Tzamaloukas, and Eiso Vaandrager, to be moderated by Professor Naeem Zafar from the Entrepreneur class.

Jon Gillespie-Brown – Jon is the founder of Nalpeiron, is a serial Entrepreneur and has been an Entrepreneur in residence/Mentor for the London Business School for 7 years and more recently for Stanford and UC Berkeley University. Jon’s book "So you want to be an entrepreneur" published by Wiley is available from Amazon now with all the proceeds going to Grameen foundation to help grow more entrepreneurs.

Mike Tzamaloukas – Mike is the founder of Dash Navigation. Dash Navigation connects people to the information that empowers them in their cars. The company is located in Sunnyvale, Calif. and is funded by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Sequoia Capital, Skymoon Ventures, Crescendo Ventures, Artis Capital and ZenShin Capital Partners. With the launch of its first product, Dash Express, the company hopes to help bring revolutionary change to the automotive GPS category.

Eiso Vaandrager – Eiso is currently an associate at e2cleantech, a Dutch fund focused on clean technology start-up companies in the Netherlands. He founded Formula Zero, a company focused on fuel cell racing. He was part of a team that built the first Dutch solar car, which won the World Solar Challenge in 2001.

For more information, please contact Kelly Lu at

Walk for and Sponsor Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
Date: Saturday, October 18
Time: 10 AM followed by Octoberfest
Location: Crissy Field, San Francisco

Raise funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), a non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure for diabetes and the complications it can cause. How can I help?There is a few ways you can help. (1) You could join the Haas team as a walker. If you choose this option, you will raise funds and walk along with your fellow Haas mates or family members! (2) Sponsor a Haas walker by donating towards the cause (This is a tax deductible donation).
Walk details available at or call 415-997-0360.
Contact Professor John O’Brien at for more information.

Saturday Social
Date: Saturday, October 18
Time: 4:00pm
Location: Bear’s Lair Brew Pub

We will be heading to Bears Lair around 4 pm for some mid-semester relaxing before the cold gets us. Join us for some socializing. The economy is out and cold, so the Social team will pay the bills on this one.

EWMBA Annual Volunteer Day
Date: Sunday, October 19
Time: 9AM to Noon
Location: San Francisco Food Bank, 900 Pennsylvania Ave, SF

Come Volunteer with your fellow EWMBAs and the Program Office Staff! Evite will follow shortly.

Wednesday Social
Date: Wednesday, October 22
Time: Evening class break time
Location: BOA Forum Area

We are trying to cover the maximum weekday population. Sadly beer is not an option for our weekday socials, and we have replaced it with ice cream. Trying to get you a last taste of summer.

Announcing the Third Annual Evening of Networking with Haas Alumni in San Francisco
Date: Thursday, October 23
Time: 6-9pm
Location: Hyatt Regency San Francisco (Embarcadero), Bayview Room

The Haas Alumni Network, San Francisco , invites you to join alumni, current students and faculty for the Third Annual Evening of Networking with Haas Alumni Network in San Francisco.

Last year's event was a great success, with over 400 Bay Area alumni and Haas graduate students coming together to make meaningful connections at this group networking event. Participants will have the opportunity to converse in groups based on their industry affiliation or interest. Alumni from various business sectors, class years and backgrounds will serve as industry experts, mingling and sharing insights with other alums as well as current Haas students.

This event is brought to you by The Haas Alumni Network, San Francisco, Walter A. Haas School Alumni Relations, Haas Career Services, the MBAA and the Evening Weekend MBA Program.

Registration and complete event details:

This event will sell out. Please register early!

For more information, please contact Charlene Son at

Thursday Social
Date: Thursday, October 23
Time: Evening class break time
Location: Wells Fargo Room

We are trying to cover the maximum weekday population. Sadly beer is not an option for our weekday socials, and we have replaced it with ice cream. Trying to get you a last taste of summer.

Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum: The Current Economic Turmoil and the Entrepreneur: The Impact on New Venture Financing and Survival
Date: Thursday, October 23
Time: 6:30 - 8:45 pm
Location: Andersen Auditorium, Haas School of Business

Join us on Thursday, October 23 for a special edition of the Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum as we turn our attention to the immediate difficulties of our capital markets and how they impact economic opportunity for today's emerging entrepreneurs.

Jerry Engel, Executive Director of the Lester Center, will ask the tough questions and offer his own views. Our distinguished panel will address the financial crisis from their own unique points of view, based on their areas of expertise. There will also be an extended question and answer session to give you a chance to have your questions addressed. Our panel includes:

James Wilcox~ Kruttschnitt Family Professor of Financial Institutions, Haas School of Business
Mike Gridley~ Principal, Industry Ventures
Garrett Gruener~ Co-Founder, Alta Partners
Brian Atwood~ Co-Founder, Versant Ventures

This Event is FREE to students!

Student pre-registrations must be received by Tuesday, October 21st at 5pm by following the instructions below. All registrations after that time must be completed on site on the day of the event.

To pre-register, email In your email, please include:
• Your name
• Your major and year in school
• Your phone number
• All pre-registrants will receive one FREE drink! (Beer or wine for students over 21 only). Additional drinks are $5 each.

Leading Through Innovation Executive Seminar Series:
Steve W. Martin, Founder of Heavy Hitter Sales Training Program

Date: Sunday, October 26
Time: 9AM to 1:30PM
Location: Andersen Auditorium

Please join author Steve W. Martin as he explains what is truly at the heart of sales: how to build relationships and how to persuade skeptics to believe you. Steve will cover the following topics in this interactive half-day workshop:

· Determining Political Power
· Influencing an Organization at Various Levels
· Understanding How People Communicate
· Selling Strategic, Operational, Political, and Psychological Value

Register by clicking this link:
Please register by October 19, 2008.

Attendees will receive a copy of Steve’s leading book about sales, Heavy Hitter Selling: How Successful Salespeople Use Language and Intuition to Persuade Customers to Buy.

If you have questions, please e-mail

2nd Annual Berkeley Finance Conference

Date: Friday, November 21
Time: 8:30 am – 6:30 pm
Location: Haas School of Business

“Navigating Through Financial Turbulence”
With the current historic and turbulent times, the Berkeley Finance Conference offers a unique opportunity to listen to the leading experts in the industry outlining the effects and opportunities presented by the current financial turmoil. Please partake in the networking and the discussions held by the leaders of the finance industry.

Keynote Speaker:
• Rohit Bhagat, Chief Operating Officer, Barclays Global Investors

Featured Speakers
• Mark Zanoli, Managing Director, J P Morgan
• Aneta Marcheva Key, Associate Principal, McKinsey & Co.

• Investment Management
• Venture Capital
• Corporate Finance
• Investment Banking
• Private Equity
• Real Estate

Free admission for volunteering on the day of the event. If interested, please contact: or

EWMBA eZine - Week of October 9, 2008

Dean Lyons Meet Up

Dean Lyons will meet up with weekend students at 8am on Saturday, October 18th at Haas. The location is Room C230. Please come by and chat with him.

3rd Annual Evening of Networking with Haas Alumni

The Haas Alumni Network, San Francisco, invites you to join alumni, current students and faculty for the Third Annual Evening of Networking with Haas Alumni Network in San Francisco.

EWMBA Discussion Forum
The forum is running and we have over 100 members. Anybody with a '' e-mail address can get access to this forum.

Register at:
Remember that the quality of a Haas MBA comes from the folks who participate in the program. Similarly, what you can get out of the forums will come from the number of participants. So please sign up!

If you have discussion forum experience and would like to help out, please contact Ben (

Student-Alumni Dinner Series: Brand Management/Consumer Marketing

Date: Thursday, October 9
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Restaurant TBD—Near BART in Downtown San Francisco
Cost: $25 to offset the cost of the meal and drinks, due prior to the dinner, co-sponsored by the EWMBAA

For the next installment of our new Student-Alumni Dinner Series, the Alumni Relations Committee is pleased to invite you to our Brand Management/Consumer Marketing dinner.

This is a casual dinner for six EWMBA students to get to know two successful alumni in the field and find out what a Brand Management career is really like! RSVP early, space is limited.

Featured Alumni:
Jennifer Okanes ‘03—Brand Manager at Clorox
Alvin Young ‘07—Associate Brand Manager at Del Monte

Dean Lyons Meet Up

Date: Saturday, October 18
Time: 8:00am
Location: C230

Weekend students, come chat with Dean Lyons.

Want to be an Entrepreneur? Want to know what VC’s look for?

Date: Saturday, October 18
Time: 12:00 – 1:00pm
Location: F320

You are all invited to attend the Entrepreneurship Forum Saturday October 18th, where several successful entrepreneurs will share their experiences. Speakers will include Jon Gillespie-Brown, Mike Tzamaloukas, and Eiso Vaandrager, to be moderated by Professor Naeem Zafar from the Entrepreneur class.

Jon Gillespie-Brown – Jon is the founder of Nalpeiron, is a serial Entrepreneur and has been an Entrepreneur in residence/Mentor for the London Business School for 7 years and more recently for Stanford and UC Berkeley University. Jon’s book "So you want to be an entrepreneur" published by Wiley is available from Amazon now with all the proceeds going to Grameen foundation to help grow more entrepreneurs.

Mike Tzamaloukas – Mike is the founder of Dash Navigation. Dash Navigation connects people to the information that empowers them in their cars. The company is located in Sunnyvale, Calif. and is funded by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Sequoia Capital, Skymoon Ventures, Crescendo Ventures, Artis Capital and ZenShin Capital Partners. With the launch of its first product, Dash Express, the company hopes to help bring revolutionary change to the automotive GPS category.

Eiso Vaandrager – Eiso is currently an associate at e2cleantech, a Dutch fund focused on clean technology start-up companies in the Netherlands. He founded Formula Zero, a company focused on fuel cell racing. He was part of a team that built the first Dutch solar car, which won the World Solar Challenge in 2001.

For more information, please contact Kelly Lu at

Walk for and Sponsor Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)

Date: Saturday, October 18
Time: 10 AM followed by Octoberfest
Location: Crissy Field, San Francisco

Raise funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), a non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure for diabetes and the complications it can cause. How can I help?There is a few ways you can help. (1) You could join the Haas team as a walker. If you choose this option, you will raise funds and walk along with your fellow Haas mates or family members! (2) Sponsor a Haas walker by donating towards the cause (This is a tax deductible donation).
Walk details available at or call 415-997-0360.
Contact Professor John O’Brien at for more information.

EWMBA Annual Volunteer Day
Date: Sunday, October 19
Time: 9AM to Noon
Location: San Francisco Food Bank, 900 Pennsylvania Ave, SF

Come Volunteer with your fellow EWMBAs and the Program Office Staff! Evite will follow shortly.

Announcing the Third Annual Evening of Networking with Haas Alumni in San Francisco

Date: Thursday, October 23
Time: 6-9pm
Location: Hyatt Regency San Francisco (Embarcadero), Bayview Room

The Haas Alumni Network, San Francisco , invites you to join alumni, current students and faculty for the Third Annual Evening of Networking with Haas Alumni Network in San Francisco.

Last year's event was a great success, with over 400 Bay Area alumni and Haas graduate students coming together to make meaningful connections at this group networking event. Participants will have the opportunity to converse in groups based on their industry affiliation or interest. Alumni from various business sectors, class years and backgrounds will serve as industry experts, mingling and sharing insights with other alums as well as current Haas students.

This event is brought to you by The Haas Alumni Network, San Francisco, Walter A. Haas School Alumni Relations, Haas Career Services, the MBAA and the Evening Weekend MBA Program.

Registration and complete event details:

This event will sell out. Please register early!

For more information, please contact Charlene Son at

Leading Through Innovation Executive Seminar Series:
Steve W. Martin, Founder of Heavy Hitter Sales Training Program
Date: Sunday, October 26
Time: 9AM to 1:30PM
Location: Andersen Auditorium

Please join author Steve W. Martin as he explains what is truly at the heart of sales: how to build relationships and how to persuade skeptics to believe you. Steve will cover the following topics in this interactive half-day workshop:

· Determining Political Power
· Influencing an Organization at Various Levels
· Understanding How People Communicate
· Selling Strategic, Operational, Political, and Psychological Value

Register by clicking this link:

Please register by October 19, 2008.

Attendees will receive a copy of Steve’s leading book about sales, Heavy Hitter Selling: How Successful Salespeople Use Language and Intuition to Persuade Customers to Buy.

If you have questions, please e-mail