Saturday, October 4, 2008

EWMBA eZine - Week of September 11, 2008

First Year Bloggers Wanted

The Life@Haas blog features an insider’s view of the life of EWMBA students at Haas for prospective students.

We’re looking for some first years to join the bloggers to share a combination of academics, career opportunities, social events, and your perspective of work/school/life balance.

To apply, please email the following to Anlei Lee
1. Interests ( Careers interests / Clubs that you are involved with, anything else interesting) (so that we show a well balanced picture of Haas)
2. Writing Sample or Link to your Blog (if you have one)

EWMBAA Group Football Tickets

Join your fellow EWMBA students and show your Cal Spirit! The EWMBAA Social Committee, together with the Berkeley/Columbia Executive MBA Program, has reserved a block of seats for two upcoming Cal football games this fall – Saturday, October 4, 2008 & Saturday, November 1, 2008. If you’re a lifelong fan or attending your 1st Cal football game, these will be great opportunities to cheer on the Cal team and enjoy a Saturday with your fellow MBA students.

**As an extra benefit, Saturday, October 4th is the Haas Homecoming Celebration and you will be able to participate in all the exciting events at Haas before the game. On Saturday, November 1, the EWMBAA Social Committee will plan a pre-game mixer (more details to follow).

All seats are priced at $34.00 and can be ordered at the following link. Timing for these games has not yet been confirmed.

UserID: berkeleymba
Password: mba

Please contact Tim Gaherty ( if you have any questions.

Haas Leadership Club
The Haas Leadership Club is a group interested in defining and practicing leadership. Last year, we had some great successes including the Graduate Business Conference in April 2008. We've put together a line up for Fall 08 that will give us more of what Leadership Communications and the Leadership class started. Besides a natural interest, we're also looking for a small group of Full-Time and Evening & Weekend MBAs with commitment and passion who can eventually take over the club and steer it into the Spring and Fall of 09.
This Fall, we expect to be hosting events including:
Ø A media communications seminar session: professional insights on how to speak to the media (includes practice in front of a camera and mock press statement)
Ø Rich Lyons on leadership & leadership development at Goldman Sachs
Ø Practical exercises in Leadership
Ø Communication on the spot in a corporate and personal setting
Ø Leadership club movie: The Endurance - Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition
Ø The Second Haas MBA Great Debate (subject TBD)
Ø Great speeches with Bill Sonnenschein: a chance to observe and learn the leadership styles of famous leaders

We also encourage non members to join our events, however, there will be a small fee to cover
the expense of hosting that event.

For more information, contact John Woods ( or Will Wright(

Events This Week

Friday, September 12
*NEW* Berkeley-Columbia MBA Speaker Series: Krishna Kolluri
Saturday, September 13
*NEW* Haas Welcome Social – South Bay

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 17
*NEW* Haas Alumni Network: Taste of Haas

Thursday, September 18
Focus on the Firm: Boston Consulting Group

Saturday, September 20
*NEW* Haas Welcome Social - Berkeley

Saturday, October 4
*NEW* Haas Homecoming

To plan or check out new events, visit the Haas Calendar:


Berkeley-Columbia MBA Speaker Series: Krishna Kolluri
Date: Friday, September 12
Time: 12pm
Location: Anderson Auditorium

The Berkeley-Columbia Executive MBA Program is pleased to have Krishna
‘Kittu’ Kolluri, General Partner of New Enterprise Associates, speak at Haas. This lecture is open to the Haas School community and seats will be available on a first come, first serve basis.

Haas Welcome Social - Berkeley
Date: Saturday, September 13
Time: 4:15pm
Where: Red Robin, across from the Santa Clara Sun Campus
Hosted by Mandar Shinde


Haas Alumni Network ”Taste of Haas”
Date: Wednesday, September 17
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Location: Williams-Sonoma Union Square Store, 340 Post Street, San Francisco

You are cordially invited by the Haas Alumni Network to our second annual 'TASTE OF HAAS,' a gala event featuring premier wineries, gourmet restaurants and premium specialty Bay Area food providers.

$60 per person for early registration by September 3, 2008 $75 per person for registration after September 3rdNote: Attendees will receive a $25 gift certificate good at any Williams-Sonoma store. There will be a 10% discount offered for purchases made at the event.

Focus on the Firm: Boston Consulting Group
Date: Thursday, September 18
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: S489

Starting this month, the Career Services committee is organizing a series of events to highlight leading consulting firms. Each event will feature a Berkeley Alum from the featured firm who will provide an insider’s view of consulting in general and the firm in particular. Think of this as a mini firm-night with all of the information and none of the pressure. We are delighted to kick-off this series of events with Arif Janjua, Partner, Boston Consulting Group, San Francisco.

In order to maximize the return for all attendees, we encourage only those individuals to attend who are committed to consulting and who have used the resources available on CareerNet to obtain a reasonable understanding of this career path.

Arif Janjua - Partner, Boston Consulting Group, San Francisco
Arif joined BCG in 2005. He is active in BCG’s Technology and Communications Practice Area. Arif has over 25 years experience in operational management and consulting in the high technology and services related industries. He has held many roles throughout his career. Prior to joining BCG Arif served as CEO of idrive, a storage services company, as President of Consumer Services at Infospace, and as Director of Marketing at Gould Electronics. His consulting experience includes leading the High Technology practice at A.T. Kearney, and serving as Managing Director of the worldwide Technology and Communications Practice at Strategic Decisions Group. Arif received his Bachelors and Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of Windsor, Canada, and an MBA from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley.

Haas Welcome Social - Berkeley
Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008
Time: 6:10pm
Where: Bear’s Lair, Lower Sproul, Berkeley Campus
Hosted by Carmen Chan and Mandar Shinde

Haas Homecoming
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008
Time: Lecture Series: 9:00am-10:45am, Andersen Auditorium
Fiesta Lunch: 10:45am-12:30pm, Haas Courtyard

Alumni and guests of the Haas School will reunite for a festive day back on campus. The annual Haas Homecoming Celebration kicks off with a workshop presentation "2.0 Technology Strategies." Haas will then host a special lecture by NEW Dean Rich Lyons discussing the state of the school. The day's activities include our pre-game Mexican Fiesta Luncheon in the Haas Courtyard with live music and special activities for kids. Then, it's off to Memorial Stadium to watch the Golden Bears defeat the Arizona State Sun Devils. Join us for a great day. All Haas alumni, faculty, students and guests are encouraged to join us!
Register by Monday, September 22 at:
Should you have any questions or need more information, please contact Meg Roundy, Assoc. Director, Student-Alumni Relations:

By showing your Student ID to Chipotle on Telegraph, you can get a FREE drink. That’s right. It’s FREE. Another perk of being a Cal student.

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