A message from your editors:
In an effort to deliver more focused communication, EWMBA students will no longer receive the MBA Alert newsletter which caters to the FT students. Instead, all announcements perceived as relevant to EWMBA students within the MBA Alert (excluding FT class specific events, student announcements/news, etc.) will be consolidated into the EWMBA eZine. If there’s a particular event(s) you follow, found only in the MBAA, kindly drop us a note and we’ll make every effort to include it in the eZine.
- Divyang Agrawal (divyang_agrawal@mba.berkeley.edu) and Ramon Lim (ramon_lim@mba.berkeley.edu)
Electronic submission for eZine posts (events/announcements)
We are happy to announce the following online form to process submission of events/announcements for the eZine. This can be found at:
You will need a Haas Login Account to access this form (user name = haas\your login name). For future submission requests, kindly use this online form. Please do not hesitate in reaching out to us if you have any questions.
EWMBAA Social Committee looking for Volunteers
It's the start of a new semester and the Social Committee needs more volunteers to host, plan, and organize upcoming events. If you're interested, please contact either of the co-chairs Raj Sivasubramanian (raj_sivasubramanian@mba.berkeley.edu) or Carmen Chan ( carmen_chan@mba.berkeley.edu)
To plan or check out new events, visit the Haas Calendar:
Global Social Venture Competition Information Session
Date: September 17, 2009
Time: 12:30 – 2pm
Location: C320
The Global Social Venture Competition is the largest and oldest student-led business plan competition for social ventures from around the world. The mission of GSVC is to catalyze the creation of sustainable social ventures that are not only financially sound, but bring about positive social or environmental change in the process.
GSVC celebrated its 10th Anniversary last year with a record breaking 315 plans from 149 universities representing 23 countries from around the globe. Come learn about how you can get involved in this helping to support and grow this global movement of entrepreneurs and investors.
For further Information please contact Julia Sanders julia_sanders@mba.berkeley.edu
How I Became a Quant: Leading Professionals Share Experience and Advice about Careers in Finance
Date: Thursday, September 17
Time: 5:30PM-7:30PM
Location: Andersen Auditorium - Haas
Register: http://iafe.org/html/QuantBerkeley09.php
The Berkeley MFE group will sponsor a very informative event for anyone who is considering a career in finance.
THE GAME: A Treasure Hunt/ Puzzle Race through San Francisco
Date: Saturday September 19, 2009
Time: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM (end time depends on your skill & speed at solving clues!)
Location: Yerba Buena Gardens in SF, 3 blocks away from Montgomery BART station
Do you enjoy movies like National Treasure, or tv shows like Amazing Race?
Do you relish the satisfaction of solving puzzles that most others find extremely challenging? Or maybe you're just uber-competitive and will do anything to win, even if the only prize is bragging rights?
Then mark your calendars, Saturday, September 19th is your opportunity to enter THE GAME.
THE GAME is an urban puzzle hunt that involves a series of clues. Each clue solved leads to the location where the next clue can be found. Check out some of the practice clues here. In this version of The Game, your team will travel through various neighborhoods in San Francisco. The final clue will lead teams to the finish line at an undisclosed location. (Our estimate is that you'll get there early evening).
No prior knowledge of San Francisco geography is required, in fact, THE GAME can be an interesting and fun way to explore some famous (and not so famous) sights in the city. Note: this is not a Haas-exclusive event, so feel free to invite partners and friends!
I'm also still looking for 1-2 more people to help me run Game Control. What that entails: hang out with me the day of the game, help plant clues, keep track of teams, and answer Game Control calls. Looking for folks who can help the whole day or for a partial day shift. Perks: snacks and all the wine you can drink. Email me if you're interested in doing Game Control!
For more information, check out the website: http://mmyth.wikidot.com/
RSVP to play or run Game Control by emailing Michelle Florendo, michelle_florendo@mba.berkeley.edu
Q@Haas Welcome Party and Invitation to Join Club
Date: Sunday, September 22
Time: 5:00PM-7:00PM
Location: Adam Berman’s Home – 1734 Waller Street. SF, CA(between Schrader and Stanyan in Upper Haight) Muni - N Judah, exit at Cole and Carl, walk four blocks. Easy and inexpensive parking located on Stanyan at Beulah near Kezar Stadium.
Register: http://bit.ly/5rsBl
Welcome Party:
If you are a current LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered) MBA/PhD/MFE student, faculty, or staff member at Haas, you are invited to the annual Q@Haas Welcome Party. We are in the midst of finalizing catering right now, so if you could take 1 minute to RSVP, I'd appreciate it! http://bit.ly/5rsBl
Invitation to join Q@Haas:
If you are a current EWMBA student who identifies as LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered) then please consider joining Q@Haas, Haas' LGBT Student Association. You can send an email to Ganesh, VP of Q@Haas for EWMBA at ganesh_vasudeva@mba.berkeley.edu. For more details on Q@Haas, please visit http://groups.haas.berkeley.edu/q/
Tackling Tough Issues: A Leader’s Guide to Influence with Credibility
Date: Tuesday, September 22
Time: 7:00PM-9:00PM
Location: Andersen Auditorium - Haas
Register: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=pPXUowNWcgj_2ficoJGzwVVA_3d_3d
(closed when max capacity is reached - but no later than September 18, 2009)
"Problems in the workplace are inevitable in business. Effective leaders tackle workplace issues sooner rather than later to improve organizational performance, interpersonal dynamics and employee morale. Learn concrete tactics in this highly interactive session to enhance your credibility as a leader and influence others to improve the way they work together in the future."
The workshop will be facilitated by Roberta Streimer of Organizational Diplomacy. With over 25 years experience in over 50 organizations, Roberta uses a diverse toolkit to engage people at all levels of the organization in thinking strategically, creatively, realistically and diplomatically about ways to improve individual and organizational effectiveness. She leverages her credibility, expertise and years of experience so clients develop concrete plans, make meaningful progress, achieve visible results and build momentum sustained by renewed energy and commitment.
· This event, like all Leadership Development Series workshops, is experiential in nature and will not be recorded
· Bring your nametag to the event
Venture Capital Investment Competition (VCIC) Information Session
Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: C135
Interested in venture capital? The VCIC Organizing Committee is a great opportunity for students who are interested in a career in venture capital to make contacts in the industry and gain a greater understanding of how VC firms evaluate opportunities.
We are currently seeking VC enthusiasts to take up the reins and organize the 2010 UC Berkeley VCIC competition. Responsibilities include securing sponsorship, entrepreneurs and VC judges, as well as selecting teams to compete.
We will be holding an information session about what’s involved and the application process at 12:30pm on Wednesday, September 23 in C135. We will also be available to talk to EWMBA students during the evening class dinner breaks; please contact Fiona Miller (see below) if you are interested in meeting during the evening break.
To apply, please send your resume and a cover letter to lester@haas.berkeley.edu by 9am Monday, September 28, with “VC Organizing Committee” in the subject line.
About the competition: The UC Berkeley VCIC allows students to put themselves in a VC firm’s shoes for the day. Student teams evaluate business plans and pitches from entrepreneurs currently seeking funding, and are evaluated by a judging panel of experienced venture capitalists. Last year, 31 teams competed for 5 berths in the UC Berkeley competition. The winning team represents UC Berkeley at the regional event at USC; our 2009 winners won the Entrepreneur’s Choice Award and was placed third overall at the regional final. The UC Berkeley competition is held in early February, and team applications to compete will be sought later in the Fall semester.
For further information please contact Fiona Miller on fiona_miller@mba.berkeley.edu on behalf of the 2009 VCIC Organizing Committee.
Alumni House Career Networking
Date: Wednesday, September 23
Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Location: Alumni House
Register: http://alumni.berkeley.edu/Alumni/Career_Services/Networking_Receptions.asp
Space is limited so RSVP today.
Cost: $10/event for CAA members; $20/event for non-CAA members. Includes wine, beverages, and hors d'oeuvres
Join us for a bit of career networking fun!
Bring your business or information cards to share with your peers during casual and speed networking rounds. Share potential job leads, enjoy wine and appetizers, and expand your career resources and contacts in the process.
Business Casual
ID is required in order to be served wine:
Please be prepared to show ID with date of birth at the registration table. Non-alcoholic beverages will also be served.
Wine and hors d'oeuvres. Raffle prizes!
Hosted by the Cal Alumni Association.
Career Services Workshop: Work/Life/School Balance webinar with Peter Jacobs
Date: Thursday, September 24th
Time: 12:00-1:00pm
Location: Webinar
Register: CareerNet
Feeling a little stretched. Finding it difficult to juggle everything that’s going on: work, school, personal life?
Well, there is no need to suffer in silence – or to suffer at all for that matter. In this information packed 1-hour webinar on Work, Life, and School: Balancing the Three, we will examine a number of proven approaches you can take to create and maintain balance while preserving your peace of mind.
Haas JobNob Happy Hour
Date: Thursday, September 24th
Time: 4:30-6:30pm
Location: Jillians at the Metreon in SF
Register: www.jobnob.com/happy-hour/berkeley-sept-24-2009
Cost: Free
All current Haas MBA students and Cal alumni are welcome.
Come "Jobnob" with local area startups seeking individuals who can volunteer at least 5 hours/week. JobNob is also a local startup co-founded by a Stanford GSB alumna. More information can be found online
Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum – 2009 Angel & Venture Capital Investment Overview
Date: Thursday, September 24th
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Location: Live streaming video beginning at 7:15 pm or Andersen Auditorium - Haas
Pre-register: Current UCB/UCOP/LBL faculty/staff/students
Pre-register: Community members & Alumni
Cost: Pre-registration is $20 per person and is available until Tuesday, September 22nd at 5pm. Reserved parking is available for an additional $15 and can be purchased on the event registration page. On-site registration is $30 per person.
2008-2009 saw an unprecedented restructuring of the financial markets, including the market for angel and venture capital. Investment activity dropped significantly as investors and companies were forced to adapt to a new investment environment that some believe will last for years. Similarly, entrepreneurs and start-up companies had to operate during a period of limited access to investment capital and an extremely weak economic environment.
Please join our panel of expert angel and venture capital investors for a look at technology investing during the past year, the current market and what the future investment environment holds. The presentation will also include a review of the key metrics for venture capital investments/exits and critical VC term sheet terms for Q2 2009. This will be a thought provoking and informative session you will not want to miss!
The program begins at 6:30 PM, with a networking hour with complimentary drinks and hors d'oeuvres in the Bank of America Forum at the Haas School of Business.
Angels to the Rescue: A Panel Discussion with Angel Investors
Date: Thursday, September 24th
Time: 6:30pm-9:00pm
Location: Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, 950 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto CA 94304
Register: www.acteva.com/go/HANSB
Cost: $30 for registrations on or before Sep 18th/$35 after Sep 18th/ $40 at the door
You may have heard it before your new company is too small for traditional venture capital funding, so you should seek angel funding. Or your friends working on a new startup say, “we’re talking to angels.”
Who are these angels? How do you find and approach them? What are they looking for in a company? What do they see as the hot trends? How is the current economic downturn impacting their investing?
The South Bay Chapter of the Haas Alumni Network is proud to present
a great panel of angel investors with diverse perspectives on angel investing. If you’re looking to get funded, or you just want to learn about angel investing, you will not want to miss this event. Sponsored by Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
The Panel
John Cornwell, Member of the Board of Directors, Sand Hill Angels
Ronald F.E. Weissman, Ph.D., Band of Angels
Randy Williams, Founder and CEO, Keiretsu Forum
George A. Willman, Esq., Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Networking
8:30 - 9:00 p.m. Panel Discussion including Q&A
Delicious appetizers and beverages including wine and beer will be served at the event!
Please register early. If the event is sold out, we will be unable to accept any walk-ins so please verify that there is space available if you plan to pay at the door. There is limited seating and the event is expected to fill up quickly.
For further information, please contact Tracy Zhou, tracyzhou10@gmail.com
Haas Healthcare Association Kickoff BBQ
Date: Sunday, September 27, 2009
Time: 1:00PM
Location: Location being confirmed; sign up to receive details before the BBQ
Come meet other healthcare-focused students at the HHA’s kickoff BBQ!
The Haas Healthcare Association (HHA) is a student run organization based at the Haas School of Business that aims to both educate students on the multi-faceted nature of the healthcare and biotech industries as well as connect students with industry alumni and professionals. There are many opportunities within healthcare for MBA students. Whether you know you are interested in healthcare, or are generally focused on functional areas like consulting, marketing, finance, or strategy – the HHA has something to offer you.
Find out more about our annual healthcare conference and how you can get involved, as well as other upcoming events, at our kickoff BBQ, on September 27, 2009.
This event is for HHA members only. To join, visit http://groups.haas.berkeley.edu/hcc/join.htm
For further information, please contact Brian Hitt (brian_hitt@mba.berkeley.edu) or Kimberly Randle (kimberly_randle@mba.berkeley.edu)
Career Services Workshop: Haas Toastmasters Demo Meeting/Open House
Date: Monday, September 28th
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Location: S489
Register: CareerNet
Success in any endeavor relies on excellent communication and leadership skills. Whether you are an engineer, a sales professional, an executive, or stay at home parent your success is measured by your ability to influence others. How would being a more persuasive communicator improve your circumstances?
Toastmasters provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn fosters self-confidence and personal growth.
Regardless of your chosen profession or current status, the skills you learn at your local toastmasters club will enable you to become a better Professional, Parent, Spouse and Friend.
Come find out more about the Toastmasters Program!
Career Services Workshop: New Global Engineering Model
Date: Wednesday, September 30th
Time: 7:30-8:30pm
Location: S489
Register: CareerNet
As global engineering enters adolescence, it is time to take a fresh look. Is off-shoring delivering on the promises it held at the beginning? While a large number of global engineering operations are thriving, many are struggling. Our focus is on helping organizations reap the benefits they expected from global engineering.
We will present a framework that will help organizations understand and make decisions regarding the life-cycle of global engineering centers. Components of the framework include:
- Starting global engineering centers or rationalizing the existing portfolio
- Closed loop management of global engineering centers
- Levers that management can use to make changes, and the impact of these levers
- Decommissioning global engineering operations
Career Services Workshop: The Art of Informational Interviews with Mark Friedfeld
Date: Wednesday, September 30th
Time: 12:00-1:00pm
Location: Webinar
Register: CareerNet
Networking is not a dirty word! It is a key tool in developing and maintaining professional relationships. The informational interview is only one excellent way to effectively network. In this webinar you will gain exposure to experiences and tools designed to help you improve your ability to exchange information and resources that will add to your professional relationships.
Positioning Your Investment Portfolio to Recover and Thrive – Valuable Global Investment Strategies
Date: Wednesday, September 30th
Time: 5:00-8:00pm
Location: Franklin Templeton's Main Theater, 1 Franklin Pkwy, San Mateo, CA, 94403
Register: http://indolink.com/icc
Cost: $30 for members of India Community Center; $40 for non-members; $50 at the door
Capacity: Seating limited to 100 people only. We expect this to be a sold out event so you do want to register ASAP.
The US economy in particular and the global economy in general, are slowly emerging from the worst recession since the Great Depression that ravaged the world almost 80 years ago. The S&P 500 and the SENSEX indexes have risen over 50% from their lows this year. Individual investment portfolios are slowly healing from the capital destruction inflicted by the implosion of the Credit Bubble last year.
The global economy continues to morph structurally, and challenge, sometimes even mock, conventional investment practices and wisdom. This panel of prominent investment managers and advisors will help you to think strategically about positioning your investment portfolio to recover from its devastating losses and thrive in a transformed global economy. Some key topics of discussion will include investing in Indian stock markets and alternative assets such as oil, gold and other commodities.
If you are unhappy with the performance of your current investment portfolio and are looking for an actionable strategic framework, or just a second opinion, this is one panel discussion you will not want to miss.
Stephen Dover, International Chief Investment Officer, Franklin Templeton
John Coleman, SVP, Global Wealth Management, Morgan Stanley
Richard Slinn, Head of Investments (Western Region), HSBC Private Bank
Moderator: Deepak Kanungo, Chief Investment Officer, Hedged Capital
5pm-6pm: Networking reception, includes drinks and appetizers
6pm-7:30pm: Panel presentations, discussions and Q&A
7:30 - 8pm: More networking
Haas Alumni Relations and Development invites you to Homecoming@Haas
Date: Saturday, October 03
Time: 11:00AM-5:00PM
Location: Haas Courtyard et al
Register: www.haas.berkeley.edu/alumni/homecoming (Due: Mon Sept 21st 10pm)
Cost: $25 Alumni / $40 Non-Alumni / $15 Faculty, Staff, Students / $10 Children(5-17), Children <>Haas Alumni Network: 4th Annual Evening of Networking in San Francisco
Date: Thursday, 22 October 2009
Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Location: Marriott San Francisco, 55 Fourth St., San Francisco, CA (between the Powell and Montgomery BART stations)
Registration: Includes event admittance, heavy hors d'oeuvres and hosted bar, register here
The Haas Alumni Network invites you to join Haas alumni, current students and faculty for the Fourth Annual Evening of Networking in San Francisco.
Last year's event was a great success, as over 400 Bay Area alumni and Haas graduate students made meaningful connections. This year, attendees will again network with the best and brightest in their industry or area of interest.
A diverse and well connected network of Haas alumni (Industry Specialists) will serve as industry experts, mingling and sharing insights with other alums as well as current Haas students.
This event is brought to you by Haas Alumni Relations, Haas Career Services, the MBAA, the Evening Weekend MBA Program, and the Haas Alumni Network’s San Francisco Chapter.
This event will sell out. Please register early!
Refunds will be honored through October 16; registrations are non-transferable.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
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